function zshlibs_update() { zshlibs_log zlibs_update "preparing self update …" if [[ -n "$zshlibs_install" ]] then zshlibs_log zlibs_update "cd into '$zshlibs_install' …" pushd $zshlibs_install 2>&1 > /dev/null zshlibs_log zlibs_update "git pull …" ( git pull 2>&1 |zshlibs_log zlibs_update & ) zshlibs_log zlibs_update "update done" popd 2>&1 > /dev/null else echo "\$zshlibs_install not set!" return 1 zlibs_install fi } function zshlibs_boot() { typeset -g zshlibs_bootlevel if [[ $zshlibs_bootlevel -gt 1 ]] then echo "You are likely doing double bootstrap" fi zshlibs_bootlevel=0 zshlibs_log zbootstrap "ensure directory '${HOME}/.log/'" zshlibs_ensure -d "${HOME}/.log/" zshlibs_bootlevel=2 } function zshlibs_ensure() { target=${2} typ=${1} if ! test -e ${target} then zshlibs_log zshlibs_ensure "creating '${target}' ($typ) …" case $typ in -d) mkdir -p ${target} \ || zshlibs_log $0 "unable to create directory '${target}'" \ && return 2 ;; -f) touch ${target} \ || zshlibs_log $0 "unable to create file '${target}'" \ && return 2 esac zshlibs_log zshlibs_ensure "target '${target}' created" elif test ${typ} ${target} then zshlibs_log zshlibs_ensure "target '${target}' ($typ) present" return 0 else zshlibs_log zshlibs_ensure "target '${target}' already exists and it is not a directory" return 1 fi } function zshlibs_log() { local facility=$1 shift if [[ -n "${@}" ]] then echo "$(date -Ins) ${@}" >> "${HOME}/.log/z_$facility.log" else echo "$(date -Ins) $(cat)" >> "${HOME}/.log/z_$facility.log" fi } function zshlibs_path_add() { local pathtoadd="${1}" zshlibs_log $0 "adding path '$pathtoadd' to \$PATH" if [[ ! ${path[(r)${pathtoadd}]} ]] then path+=(${pathtoadd}) fi } function zshlibs_fpath_add() { local fpathtoadd="${1}" zshlibs_log $0 "adding fpath '$fpathtoadd' to \$fpath" if [[ ! ${fpath[(r)${fpathtoadd}]} ]] then path+=(${fpathtoadd}) fi } function zshlibs_start() { zshlibs_boot zshlibs_update zconfig_boot global_boot zssh_boot zshlibs_log zbootstrap "zshlibs booted up ===========================================" } function zbootstrap() { zshlibs_start }