########################################### # Battery plugin for oh-my-zsh # # Original Author: Peter hoeg (peterhoeg) # # Email: peter@speartail.com # ########################################### # Author: Sean Jones (neuralsandwich) # # Email: neuralsandwich@gmail.com # # Modified to add support for Apple Mac # ########################################### if [[ "$OSTYPE" = darwin* ]] ; then function battery_pct() { local smart_battery_status="$(ioreg -rc "AppleSmartBattery")" typeset -F maxcapacity=$(echo $smart_battery_status | grep '^.*"MaxCapacity"\ =\ ' | sed -e 's/^.*"MaxCapacity"\ =\ //') typeset -F currentcapacity=$(echo $smart_battery_status | grep '^.*"CurrentCapacity"\ =\ ' | sed -e 's/^.*CurrentCapacity"\ =\ //') integer i=$(((currentcapacity/maxcapacity) * 100)) echo $i } function plugged_in() { [ $(ioreg -rc AppleSmartBattery | grep -c '^.*"ExternalConnected"\ =\ Yes') -eq 1 ] } function battery_pct_remaining() { if plugged_in ; then echo "External Power" else battery_pct fi } function battery_time_remaining() { local smart_battery_status="$(ioreg -rc "AppleSmartBattery")" if [[ $(echo $smart_battery_status | grep -c '^.*"ExternalConnected"\ =\ No') -eq 1 ]] ; then timeremaining=$(echo $smart_battery_status | grep '^.*"AvgTimeToEmpty"\ =\ ' | sed -e 's/^.*"AvgTimeToEmpty"\ =\ //') if [ $timeremaining -gt 720 ] ; then echo "::" else echo "~$((timeremaining / 60)):$((timeremaining % 60))" fi else echo "∞" fi } function battery_pct_prompt () { if [[ $(ioreg -rc AppleSmartBattery | grep -c '^.*"ExternalConnected"\ =\ No') -eq 1 ]] ; then b=$(battery_pct_remaining) if [ $b -gt 50 ] ; then color='green' elif [ $b -gt 20 ] ; then color='yellow' else color='red' fi echo "%{$fg[$color]%}[$(battery_pct_remaining)%%]%{$reset_color%}" else echo "∞" fi } function battery_is_charging() { [[ $(ioreg -rc "AppleSmartBattery"| grep '^.*"IsCharging"\ =\ ' | sed -e 's/^.*"IsCharging"\ =\ //') == "Yes" ]] } elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = linux* ]] && [[ -d /sys/class/power_supply/battery ]] ; then function battery_is_charging() { [[ $(cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/status) == "Charging" ]] } function battery_pct() { if [[ -z ${BATTERY_PCT_FAUX} ]] ;then cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity else echo ${BATTERY_PCT_FAUX} fi } function battery_pct_remaining() { if [ ! $(battery_is_charging) ] ; then battery_pct else echo "External Power" fi } function battery_time_remaining() { if [[ $(acpi 2>/dev/null | grep -c '^Battery.*Discharging') -gt 0 ]] ; then echo $(acpi 2>/dev/null | cut -f3 -d ',') fi } function battery_pct_prompt() { b=$(battery_pct_remaining) if [[ $(acpi 2>/dev/null | grep -c '^Battery.*Discharging') -gt 0 ]] ; then if [ $b -gt 50 ] ; then color=$fg[green] elif [ $b -gt 20 ] ; then color=$fg[yellow] elif [ $b -gt 5 ] ; then color=$fg[red] else color=$'\033\['$color[blink]\;$color[red]m fi echo "%{$fg[$color]%}$(battery_pct_remaining)%%%{$reset_color%}" else echo "∞" fi } elif [[ "$OSTYPE" = linux* ]] && termux-battery-stat ; then # termux function battery_pct_remaining() { } function battery_time_remaining() { } function battery_pct_prompt() { } else # Empty functions so we don't cause errors in prompts function battery_pct_remaining() { } function battery_time_remaining() { } function battery_pct_prompt() { } fi function battery_level_gauge() { # BEGIN customization local gauge_slots=${BATTERY_GAUGE_SLOTS:-10}; local green_threshold=${BATTERY_GREEN_THRESHOLD:-60}; local yellow_threshold=${BATTERY_YELLOW_THRESHOLD:-25}; local red_threshold=${BATTERY_RED_THRESHOLD:-5}; local color_green=${BATTERY_COLOR_GREEN:-%F{green}}; local color_yellow=${BATTERY_COLOR_YELLOW:-%F{yellow}}; local color_red=${BATTERY_COLOR_RED:-%F{red}}; local color_critical=${BATTERY_COLOR_CRITICAL:-$'\033\[05\;31m'}; local battery_prefix=${BATTERY_GAUGE_PREFIX:-'┃'}; local battery_suffix=${BATTERY_GAUGE_SUFFIX:-'┣'}; local filled_symbol=${BATTERY_GAUGE_FILLED_SYMBOL:-'█'}; local empty_symbol=${BATTERY_GAUGE_EMPTY_SYMBOL:-' '}; local charging_color=${BATTERY_CHARGING_COLOR:-$color_yellow}; local charging_symbol=${BATTERY_CHARGING_SYMBOL:-'⌁'}; #END customization # not supposed to be changed local gauge_subslots=7 local gauge_slot_size=$((100/$gauge_slots)) local -a gauge_chars=(▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉) local color_reset=${BATTERY_COLOR_RESET:-%{%f%k%b%}}; local battery_remaining_percentage=$(battery_pct); if [[ $battery_remaining_percentage =~ [0-9]+ ]]; then local filled=$(( ($battery_remaining_percentage) * $gauge_slots / 100 )); local halfsymbol=$(( ( $battery_remaining_percentage % $gauge_slot_size * ($gauge_subslots+1) * gauge_slots / 100 ) )) local empty=$(($gauge_slots - $filled - 1 + 0 ** halfsymbol )); if [[ $battery_remaining_percentage -gt $green_threshold ]]; then local gauge_color=$color_green; elif [[ $battery_remaining_percentage -gt $yellow_threshold ]]; then local gauge_color=$color_yellow; elif [[ $battery_remaining_percentage -gt $red_threshold ]]; then local gauge_color=$color_red; else local gauge_color=$color_critical; fi else local filled=$gauge_slots; local empty=0; filled_symbol=${BATTERY_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL:-'.'}; fi local charging=' ' && battery_is_charging && charging=$charging_symbol; printf ${charging_color//\%/\%\%}$charging${color_reset//\%/\%\%}${battery_prefix//\%/\%\%}${gauge_color//\%/\%\%} [[ $filled -gt 0 ]] && printf ${filled_symbol//\%/\%\%}'%.0s' {1..$filled} printf '%s' $gauge_chars[${halfsymbol}] [[ $empty -gt 0 ]] && printf ${empty_symbol//\%/\%\%}'%.0s' {1..$empty} printf ${color_reset//\%/\%\%}${battery_suffix//\%/\%\%}${color_reset//\%/\%\%} # printf " debug: f=%i, s='%s' e=%i " $filled "$halfsymbol" $empty }