#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This is tkdu.py, an interactive program to display disk usage # Copyright 2004 Jeff Epler # # This is the version ported to Python 3 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA from argparse import ArgumentParser import tkinter import sys import os import stat import time import gzip import tkinter.filedialog from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory MIN_PSZ = 1000 MIN_IPSZ = 240 MIN_W = 50 MIN_H = 15 VERTICAL = "vertical" HORIZONTAL = "horizontal" NUM_QUEUE = 25 FONT_FACE = ("sans-serif", 8) BORDER = 2 FONT_HEIGHT = 14 FONT_HEIGHT2 = 20 dircolors = ['#ff7070', '#70ff70', '#7070ff'] leafcolors = ['#bf5454', '#54bf54', '#5454bf'] def allocate(path, files, canvas, x, y, w, h, first, depth): # TODO: refactor to less complex functions tk_call = canvas.tk.call if w < MIN_W or h < MIN_H: return psz = w*h if psz < MIN_PSZ: return if path and path[-1] == "/": basename_idx = len(path) nslashes = path.count(os.sep) - 1 else: basename_idx = len(path) + 1 nslashes = path.count(os.sep) dircolor = dircolors[nslashes % len(dircolors)] leafcolor = leafcolors[nslashes % len(dircolors)] colors = (leafcolor, dircolor) totsz = 0 ff = getkids(files, path) if not ff: return if ff[0][1] == '/': del ff[0] ff = ff[first:] for item in ff: totsz = totsz + item[0] item[2] = None if totsz == 0: return i = 0 ratio = psz*1./totsz while i < len(ff) and w > 2*BORDER and h > 2*BORDER: if w > h: orient = VERTICAL usew = w - h*2./3 if usew < 50: usew = 50 if usew > 200: usew = 200 first_height = ff[i][0]/usew*ratio while first_height < .65 * usew: usew = usew / 1.5 first_height = ff[i][0]/usew*ratio want = usew * h / ratio else: orient = HORIZONTAL useh = h - w*2./3 if useh < 50: useh = 50 if useh > 100: useh = 100 first_width = ff[i][0]/useh*ratio while first_width < .65 * useh: useh = useh / 1.5 first_width = ff[i][0]/useh*ratio want = useh * w / ratio j = i+1 use = ff[i][0] while j < len(ff) and use < want: # and j < i + maxcnt: use = use + ff[j][0] j = j+1 if orient is VERTICAL: usew = use * ratio / h if usew <= 2*BORDER: break y0 = y for item in ff[i:j]: dy = item[0]/usew*ratio item[2] = (x, y0, usew, dy) y0 = y0 + dy x = x + usew w = w - usew else: useh = use * ratio / w if useh <= 2*BORDER: break x0 = x for item in ff[i:j]: dx = item[0]/useh*ratio item[2] = (x0, y, dx, useh) x0 = x0 + dx y = y + useh h = h - useh i = j for item in ff: sz = item[0] name = item[1] haskids = bool(getkids(files, name)) color = colors[haskids] if item[2] is None: continue x, y, w, h = item[2] if w > 3*BORDER and h > 3*BORDER: tk_call(canvas._w, "create", "rectangle", x+BORDER+2, y+BORDER+2, x+w-BORDER+1, y+h-BORDER+1, "-fill", "#3f3f3f", "-outline", "#3f3f3f") i = tk_call(canvas._w, "create", "rectangle", x+BORDER, y+BORDER, x+w-BORDER, y+h-BORDER, "-fill", color) canvas.map[int(i)] = name if h > FONT_HEIGHT+2*BORDER: w1 = w - 2*BORDER stem = name[basename_idx:] ssz = size(sz) text = "%s %s" % (name[basename_idx:], ssz) tw = int(tk_call("font", "measure", FONT_FACE, text)) if tw > w1: if h > FONT_HEIGHT2 + 2*BORDER: tw = max( int(tk_call("font", "measure", FONT_FACE, stem)), int(tk_call("font", "measure", FONT_FACE, ssz))) if tw < w1: text = "%s\n%s" % (stem, ssz) i = tk_call(canvas._w, "create", "text", x+BORDER+2, y+BORDER, "-text", text, "-font", FONT_FACE, "-anchor", "nw") canvas.map[int(i)] = name y = y + FONT_HEIGHT2 h = h - FONT_HEIGHT2 if w*h > MIN_PSZ and haskids and depth != 1: queue(canvas, allocate, name, files, canvas, x+2*BORDER, y+2*BORDER, w-4*BORDER, h-4*BORDER, 0, depth-1) continue text = stem tw = int(tk_call("font", "measure", FONT_FACE, text)) if tw < w1: i = tk_call(canvas._w, "create", "text", x+BORDER+2, y+BORDER, "-text", text, "-font", FONT_FACE, "-anchor", "nw") canvas.map[int(i)] = name y = y + FONT_HEIGHT h = h - FONT_HEIGHT if w*h > MIN_PSZ and haskids and depth != 1: queue(canvas, allocate, name, files, canvas, x+2*BORDER, y+2*BORDER, w-4*BORDER, h-4*BORDER, 0, depth-1) def queue(c, *args): if c.aid is None: c.aid = c.after_idle(run_queue, c) c.configure(cursor="watch") c.queue.append(args) def run_queue(c): queue = c.queue end = time.time() + .5 while 1: if not queue: c.aid = None c.configure(cursor="") break if time.time() > end: break item = queue[0] del queue[0] item[0](*item[1:]) if queue: c.aid = c.after_idle(run_queue, c) def chroot(e, r): c = e.widget if r is None: return if not getkids(c.files, r): r = os.path.dirname(r) if r == c.cur: return if not r.startswith(c.root): c.bell() return c.cur = r c.first = 0 e.width = c.winfo_width() e.height = c.winfo_height() reconfigure(e) def item_under_cursor(e): c = e.widget try: item = c.find_overlapping(e.x, e.y, e.x, e.y)[-1] except IndexError: return None return c.map.get(item, None) def descend(e): item = item_under_cursor(e) chroot(e, item) def ascend(e): c = e.widget parent = os.path.dirname(c.cur) chroot(e, parent) def size(n): if n > 1024*1024*1024: return "%.1fGB" % (n/1024./1024/1024) elif n > 1024*1024: return "%.1fMB" % (n/1024./1024) elif n > 1024: return "%.1fKB" % (n/1024.) return "%d" % n def scroll(e, dir): c = e.widget offset = c.first + 5*dir length = len(getkids(c.files, c.cur)) if offset + 5 > length: offset = length-5 if offset < 0: offset = 0 if offset != c.first: c.first = offset e.width = c.winfo_width() e.height = c.winfo_height() reconfigure(e) def schedule_tip(e): c = e.widget s = item_under_cursor(e) if not s: return sz = getname(c.files, s) s = "%s (%s)" % (s, size(sz)) c.tipa = c.after(500, make_tip, e, s) def make_tip(e, s): c = e.widget c.tipa = None c.tipl.configure(text=s) c.tip.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (e.x_root+5, e.y_root+5)) c.tip.wm_deiconify() def cancel_tip(e, c=None): if c is None: c = e.widget if c.tipa: c.after_cancel(c.tipa) c.tipa = None else: c.tip.wm_withdraw() def reconfigure(e): c = e.widget w = e.width h = e.height c.t.wm_title("%s (%s)" % (c.cur, size(getname(c.files, c.cur)))) c.delete("all") for cb in c.cb: c.after_cancel(cb) c.cb = [] c.aid = None c.queue = [] c.map = {} c.tipa = None if c.cur == "/": nslashes = -1 else: nslashes = c.cur.count(os.sep) - 1 color = dircolors[nslashes % len(dircolors)] c.configure(background=color) c.queue = [(allocate, c.cur, c.files, c, 0, 0, w, h, c.first, c.depth)] run_queue(c) def putname_base(dict, name, base, size): try: dict[base][name] = size except: dict[base] = {name: size} def putname(dict, name, size): base = os.path.dirname(name) try: dict[base][name] = size except: dict[base] = {name: size} def getname(dict, name): base = os.path.dirname(name) return dict[base][0][name] def getkids(dict, path): return dict.get(path, ((), {}))[1] def doit(dir, files): sorted_files = {} for k, v in files.items(): t = [k, v] sv = sorted(map((lambda t: [t[1], t[0], None]), v.items())) sv.reverse() sorted_files[k] = (v, sv) t = tkinter.Tk() c = tkinter.Canvas(t, width=1024, height=768) c.tip = tkinter.Toplevel(t) c.tip.wm_overrideredirect(1) c.tipl = tkinter.Label(c.tip) c.tipl.pack() c.pack(expand="yes", fill="both") c.files = sorted_files c.cur = c.root = dir c.t = t c.cb = [] c.aid = None c.queue = [] c.depth = 0 c.first = 0 c.bind("", reconfigure) t.bind("", lambda e, c=c: cancel_tip(e, c)) t.bind("", lambda e, t=t: t.destroy()) for i in range(10): t.bind("" % i, lambda e, c=c, i=i: setdepth(e, c, i)) c.bind("", lambda e: scroll(e, -1)) c.bind("", lambda e: scroll(e, 1)) if os.name == 'nt': c.bind("", ascend) else: c.bind("", ascend) c.bind("", ascend) c.tag_bind("all", "", descend) c.tag_bind("all", "", schedule_tip) c.tag_bind("all", "", cancel_tip) c.mainloop() def setdepth(e, c, i): e.widget = c e.width = c.winfo_width() e.height = c.winfo_height() c.depth = i reconfigure(e) def old_main(f=sys.stdin): files = {} for line in f.readlines(): sz, name = line[:-1].split(None, 1) sz = int(sz)*1024 putname(files, name, sz) doit(name, files) def du(dir, files, fs=0, ST_MODE=stat.ST_MODE, ST_SIZE=stat.ST_SIZE, S_IFMT=0o170000, S_IFDIR=0o040000, lstat=os.lstat, putname_base=putname_base, fmt="%%s%s%%s" % os.sep): tsz = 0 try: fns = os.listdir(dir) except: return 0 if not files.has_key(dir): files[dir] = {} d = files[dir] for fn in fns: fn = fmt % (dir, fn) try: info = lstat(fn) except: continue if info[ST_MODE] & S_IFMT == S_IFDIR: sz = du(fn, files) + int(info[ST_SIZE]) else: sz = info[ST_SIZE] d[fn] = sz tsz = tsz + sz return tsz def abspath(p): return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), p)) class DirDialog(tkinter.filedialog.LoadFileDialog): def __init__(self, master, title=None): tkinter.filedialog.LoadFileDialog.__init__(self, master, title) self.files.destroy() self.filesbar.destroy() def ok_command(self): file = self.get_selection() if not os.path.isdir(file): self.master.bell() else: self.quit(file) def filter_command(self, event=None): END = "end" dir, pat = self.get_filter() try: names = os.listdir(dir) except os.error: self.master.bell() return self.directory = dir self.set_filter(dir, pat) names.sort() subdirs = [os.pardir] for name in names: fullname = os.path.join(dir, name) if os.path.isdir(fullname): subdirs.append(name) self.dirs.delete(0, END) for name in subdirs: self.dirs.insert(END, name) head, tail = os.path.split(self.get_selection()) if tail == os.curdir: tail = '' self.set_selection(tail) def main_builtin_du(args): if len(args) > 1: p = args[1] else: t = tkinter.Tk() t.wm_withdraw() p = askdirectory() if tkinter._default_root is t: tkinter._default_root = None t.destroy() if p is None: return files = {} if p == '-h' or p == '--help' or p == '-?': base = os.path.basename(args[0]) print('Usage:') print(' ', base, ' interpret file as gzipped du -ak output and visualize it') print(' ', base, ' interpret file as du -ak output and visualize it') print(' ', base, ' analyze disk usage in that folder') print(' ', base, '- interpret stdin input as du -ak output and visualize it') print(' ', base, ' ask for folder to analyze') print print('Controls:') print(' * Press `q` to quit') print(' * LMB: zoom in to item') print(' * RMB: zoom out one level') print(' * Press `1`..`9`: Show that many nested levels') print(' * Press `0`: Show man nested levels') return if p == "-": old_main() else: p = abspath(p) if os.path.isfile(p): if p.endswith('.gz'): # gzipped file old_main(gzip.open(p, 'r')) else: old_main(open(p, 'r')) else: putname(files, p, du(p, files)) doit(p, files) argp = ArgumentParser( prog='tkdu', description='''Interactive explorer of `du` utility program. 'Useful when you need to interactively inspect disk usage 'on remote system but dont have `ncdu` or alike installed''', epilog=''' Controls: * Press `q` to quit * LMB: zoom in to item * RMB: zoom out one level * Press `1`..`9`: Show that many nested levels * Press `0`: Show man nested levels ''' ) argp.add_argument( 'du_output', help='du output file in plain text, gzipped or not' ) def main(): args = argp.parse_args() print(args) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys main() main_builtin_du(sys.argv) # vim:sts=4:sw=4: